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AIKIDO, a type of Japanese martial art created from several jujitsu schools; literally - the…

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SAMBO (part 2)

The result of the fight may be the victory of one and the defeat of the other fighter or the defeat of both athletes.

Victory can be: clean, with an advantage, in points, technical, in warning, when removing the enemy for passivity.

A clear victory is awarded for a clean throw or a painful move, which led to the opponent’s refusal to continue the fight, with the clear advantage of one of the fighters (he scores 12 or more points), when removing the enemy from the fight. (A throw is considered clean if the attacker does not fall, as a result of which the attacker, who was in a standing position, falls on his back.) With a clear victory, the winner receives 4 qualification points.

If, by the time the fight ends, one of the wrestlers scores 8–11 points, he will be awarded with an advantage. The winner receives 3.5 qualification points. If the loser has points scored during the bout, he receives 0.5 points.

If a wrestler scores from 1 to 7 points, he is awarded a victory by points. The winner receives 3 points, the defeated – 1 (if there are points).

If the points are equal, a technical victory is awarded to a fighter who scores more marks for technical actions: for example, activity. He is awarded 3 qualification points, for the loser – 1 point (in the presence of technical points). If the “activities” are equal, the victory is given to one of the rivals who performed more receptions by 4 and 2 points. If there is only “activity” and no points at the end of the bout, the victory is awarded to the fighter who has these ratings, with the same number of “activities” – to the one who received the activity last. In this case, the winner receives 2 points, the defeated – 0.

If by the time the bout ends, both wrestlers do not have technical points and “activity” ratings and there are an equal number of warnings, the victory is awarded to the one who received the last rating for the warning announced to the opponent. A wrestler receives 2 for a victory with a warning, and a loser gets 0 points.

By the decision of the chief judge, a fighter can be disqualified and withdrawn from the competition with the award of a clear victory to his opponent. A wrestler can be removed: with a repeated attempt to carry out a prohibited action, if he does not fit into the 3-minute time limit allotted for the provision of medical care, after two warnings and, if necessary, declare him the third for avoiding the fight. If a fighter is disqualified and removed from the competition, his opponent may receive from 2 to 4 points, depending on the situation and the decision of the panel of judges.

A wrestler can also be removed when injured, for failing to appear on the carpet within 1.5 minutes after being called on the carpet, for rude behavior towards the opponent, judges, for refusing to give a hand to an opponent, for incorrect reception, as a result of which the opponent received injury and – according to the doctor – can not continue the fight for cheating judges. At the same time, an athlete withdrawn from the competition receives 0 points, his opponent – 4.

Attacking actions of a fighter, which did not bring him a clear victory, are scored. The quality and, accordingly, the assessment of the throw depends on the following factors: in what position the attacker and the attacker were before the throw, the throw was carried out without falling or falling, on which part of the body the opponent fell as a result of the throw.

4 points are awarded: for a throw with falling from a standing position, in which the opponent fell on his back, for a throw without falling, in which the opponent fell on his side, for holding for 20 seconds.

2 points are awarded: for a throw with falling from a standing position, in which the opponent fell on his side, for a throw without falling from a standing position, in which the opponent fell on his chest, abdomen, buttocks, lower back or shoulder, for a throw without falling, in which the opponent , before the throw was in a position on his knees, fell on his back, for the incomplete hold lasting more than 10 seconds, for the repeated warning announced to the opponent.

1 point is awarded: for a throw with a fall from a standing position, in which the opponent fell on his chest, stomach, buttocks, lower back or shoulder, for a throw with a fall in which the opponent was on his knees before the throw, fell on his back, for a throw without falling, in which the opponent, who was kneeling before the throw, fell on his side, for the first warning announced to the opponent.

Activity is awarded for: incomplete hold lasting less than 10 seconds (evaluated once per fight), for throwing without falling from a standing position, in which the opponent fell on his knee or knees.

The deductions made by the wrestler during the bout cannot be rated at more than 4 points. Therefore, when holding a full deduction, points earned earlier or activity for incomplete deductions are canceled.

AIKIDO, a type of Japanese martial art created from several jujitsu schools; literally - the…


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AIKIDO, a type of Japanese martial art created from several jujitsu schools; literally - the…
